PAS 2030:2023 standard update

An updated Edition to the PAS 2030 standard was published in September 2023. PAS 2030 plays a pivotal role in supporting several UK schemes to enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

Photo of Debbie Shields
Debbie Shields | Communications Manager

Following a British Standards Institution (BSI) public consultation on PAS 2035/2030:2023, there is an 18-month transition period to allow time for the industry to adopt changes to these documents. The transition period will end on 30 March 2025, after which retrofit projects must be carried out in accordance with PAS 2030:2023. 

We are accredited by UKAS to offer certification to the 2023 standard and can support your business to ensure you have transitioned by the deadline.  

To confirm compliance of this standard, your business will be required to undertake an assessment to ensure the appropriate updates have been made. 

From 1 September 2024 all new applications to the PAS 2030 scheme will be assessed to the 2023 standard and all surveillance assessments undertaken will be to the 2023 standard. 

Summary of key changes: 

• PAS 2035 guidance clauses have been updated to: 

a) reflect national policy; and 

b) emphasise the role of PAS 2035 in protecting the consumer. 

• Clauses have been included to facilitate scale retrofit  

• The BEIS retrofit technical guides have been included. 

• The risk assessment process has been simplified to avoid unintended complexities. 

• Reflecting the change of emphasis from measures-based retrofit to whole dwelling retrofit. 

• Requirements to produce an airtightness strategy for projects, which may include setting of an airtightness target and air leakage testing. 

• Brought in line with the new Approved Document F. 

• Further monitoring and evaluation references the new BS 40101 standard for Building Performance Evaluation, and Monitoring and Evaluation is now considered from inception through to completion. 

• A process has been included whereby distressed replacement of heating appliances can retrospectively comply with PAS 2035. 

• The requirements and qualifications for independent inspection of the pre-installation building inspection (PIBI) some PAS 2030 Annexes has been strengthened. 

• Requirements and guidance around moisture in buildings has been brought in line with language in BS 5250. 


Frequently Asked Questions: 

  • Does my business require an assessment to obtain the 2023 standard? 

Yes, we must complete an assessment of your Quality Management System to ensure you are compliant with the requirements of the 2023 standard. 


  • Can the assessment be completed at my normal surveillance assessment? 

Yes, if this is due to be completed before the deadline, if not you will need to contact us to arrange an additional assessment at a further cost to you. OR 


  • Can NICEIC offer a desktop assessment? 

Yes, if you have had a successful PAS 2030 Office assessment since 01st March 2024 we are able to assess compliance with the 2023 standard remotely. Please contact when you are ready to begin the process. 


  • I use a Quality Management System provider; do I need to do anything? 

Contact your provider and they will be able to issue updated templates to the new standard, once implemented contact us to arrange assessment. 


  • If I am assessed to 2023 standard can I retain 2019 measures until the transition period ends (30th March 2025) 


  • I have applied to the PAS 2030 scheme but would like 2019 measures alongside 2023 measures until the deadline, can I do this? 


  • Will my TrustMark measures be updated? 


  • Will I receive an updated certificate? 


  • When will 2019 measures be removed? 

31 March 2025 

  • What happens if I am not assessed before the deadline (30 March 2025)? 

Your certification will be suspended, we will contact you to arrange assessment to 2023 standard. If this is not completed within 3 months of the deadline your PAS 2030 certification will be revoked. 


  • Where can I find the updated standard? 

The latest PAS 2030:2023 standard is available at no cost to you. Please click the below link to find out more: