Domestic installer scheme

The NICEIC Domestic Installer Scheme helps electrical installers comply quickly and easily with Part P of the Building Regulations.

Our Domestic Installer Scheme is designed for contractors solely looking to register domestic installation work in accordance with Part P. The scheme covers low or extra-low voltage work, including design, installation and certification of work.

Scheme requirements


  •  Your business must be directly engaged in domestic electrical work
  •  Hold a current edition of BS 7671, HSR25 (EAWR 1989) and any other technical reference guides relevant to the range and scale of electrical work you undertake
  •  Have a safe isolation and re-energisation of installations procedure in place
  •  Make available for assessment sufficient examples of domestic electrical installation work completed with appropriate certification in the previous 12 months by the business.  It is advisable to arrange access to a selection of sites


  • Appoint one or more Qualified Supervisor as required
  •  Maintain a record of the ongoing accuracy and consistency of test equipment used for certification and reporting purposes
  •  Maintain records for a minimum of 6 years, inclusive, but not limited to; specifications, certificates, competence records and complaints
  •  Have a written Health & Safety Policy Statement and carry out risk assessments as appropriate
  •  Your business must be directly engaged in domestic electrical work

Experience & Qualifications

  •  Proposed Qualified Supervisor has at least 2 years responsibility for electrical work
  •  Certificates of technical qualifications achieved by the Qualified Supervisor
  •  Evidence of relevant qualifications, training (including Continuous Professional Development) and experience for all employed persons undertaking electrical work


  •  Have a minimum of £2 million Public Liability Insurance in the registered trading name

Domestic Installer Scheme Fees

Application Fees




Application review fee for each address requiring assessment (e.g. head office and each contracting branch)£95£19£114
Assessment and Certification fee (inc half day assessment)£555£111£666
Fee for each additional half day assessment relating to an application

Annual certification renewal (annual fee becomes due on the anniversary of certification)




Payment by annual direct debit (single payment direct debit) (inc half day assessment) 
Payment by other methods (inc half day assessment) £555

*Full day assessment = approx 6 hrs; half day assessment = approx 3 hrs.

Cancellation fees




Cancellation of scheduled assessment with 2 or less than 2 days notice (per half day assessment) £355 £71 £426
Cancellation of scheduled assessment with more than 2 and less than 21 days notice (per half day assessment) £245 £49 £294
Void fee for failure to be present or available for assessment when the assessor has attended at the scheduled time and date and no previous cancellation has been recieved (per half day) £400 £80 £480

Other fees




Pre-assessment £400 £80 £480
Additional half day assessment (or multiples of) £400 £80 £480
Administrative fees (for example change of company details, not involving change of ownership; not including additional assessment) £65 £13 £78
Change of Qualified Supervisor (not including additional assessment) £65 £13 £78
NICEIC Online certificates and reports £1.50 £0.30 £1.80

Domestic Installer Scheme fees from 1 April 2025

Application Fees




Application review fee for each address requiring assessment (e.g. head office and each contracting branch)£95£19£114
Assessment and Certification fee (inc half day assessment)£575£115£690
Fee for each additional half day assessment relating to an application

Annual certification renewal (annual fee becomes due on the anniversary of certification)




Payment by annual direct debit (single payment direct debit) (inc half day assessment) 
Payment by other methods (inc half day assessment) £575

*Full day assessment = approx 6 hrs; half day assessment = approx 3 hrs.

Cancellation fees




Cancellation of scheduled assessment with 2 or less than 2 days notice (per half day assessment) £365 £73 £438
Cancellation of scheduled assessment with more than 2 and less than 21 days notice (per half day assessment) £255 £51 £306
Void fee for failure to be present or available for assessment when the assessor has attended at the scheduled time and date and no previous cancellation has been recieved (per half day) £415 £83 £498

Other fees




Pre-assessment £415 £83 £498
Additional half day assessment (or multiples of) £415 £83 £498
Administrative fees (for example change of company details, not involving change of ownership; not including additional assessment) £65 £13 £78
Change of Qualified Supervisor (not including additional assessment) £65 £13 £78
NICEIC Online certificates and reports £1.55 £0.31 £1.86