A platform built with you in mind
Under Building Regulations in England and Wales, notifiable work carried out by contractors needs to be certified to the Local Building Control Body. You also need to provide your customer with an installation certificate that documents the work you’ve completed. This must take place within 30 days of completing the job.
That’s why we have developed our online certification platform. It makes that process easier for NICEIC certified businesses.
How will NICEIC online certification help you save time and money?
Our system allows you to self-certify your work, sending an electronic confirmation to the Local Building Control Body.
It also allows you to complete and send electrical, fire and emergency lighting certificates and reports.
Benefits include:
- no licence fees or software to install
- one system to certify and notify
- pay-as-you-go method so no more wasted handwritten pads
- several users can log in at the same time
- duplicate certificates and reports easily for similar installations
- go paperless, emailing your certificates and reports to your customers
- you can add your company logo to provide a reference point for future work
- available for desktop and tablet devices
- a low-cost solution, compared to Local Authority Building Control charges to process Building Notifications. It also saves your customer time and money
- any work notified by you, to the local Building Control Body is searchable through the site www.checkmynotification.com
How NICEIC online certification helps your customer
The notification and certification process provides your customer with:
- confirmation that their installation is safe, that (where appropriate) it complies with the Building Regulations and meets the relevant Regulations and Standards
- assurance that your business has the competence to self-certify the work
- the system will automatically send your customer a hard or electronic copy of the Building Regulations Compliance Certificate.
Four Simple Steps To Get Started With NICEIC online certification
1. Log in
Using your allocated username and password, simply sign in and start using the service. Don’t have a log in? Give us a call on 0333 015 6625 and we can sort it out.
2. Complete certificate/report
You can draft and work on as many certificates/reports as possible that are available within your scheme.
3. Send It To Your Client
Email certificates/reports to your clients and yourself for free. A professional print-and-post service is also available at an additional cost.
4. Notify Building Control
Notify Local Building Control Body when you have finished a certificate. As a customer, you can view all the new and old notifications in the NICEIC online system.
Already using NICEIC online and looking for support?
Take a look at the tutorials available on our Youtube channel.
Still stuck? Give us a call on 0333 015 6630.
Other ways to issue certificates and reports
There are other ways to certify your work:
You can use our partner, Clik Software to use official NICEIC-branded electrical forms. Clik’s NICEIC Cert Software is the only other electronic certificate solution with the authorisation to use official NICEIC forms.
Their software solution is installed on your device. For more information see Clik's NICEIC Cert Software.
- Compliant with the latest IET Wiring Regulations
- iSO and Andriod apps are available
- Store and manage your client details in an address book
- Add your company logo and digital signature
Download your free demo of the Clik software here
Full prices can be found here
Other software providers provide solutions, but they cannot supply official NICEIC branded forms.
If you are based in Scotland you can also use the online system to certify work.
Handwritten certificates
If you prefer to go down the more traditional route, then as an NICEIC certified business you can purchase and issue handwritten certificates and reports that includes the NICEIC trademark.
- Electrical Installation Certificates – including Minor Electrical Installation Works
- Electrical Installation Condition Reports
- Fire Alarm certificates and reports
- Emergency Lighting certificates and reports