Internal teams members reviewing documents with an NICEIC approved contractor at the NICEIC head office in Warwick House, Houghton Hall Park, Dunstable.

About us

We are the UK's largest voluntary register of electrical businesses.

We assess over 40,000* NICEIC-certified businesses to ensure that the installation work they undertake meets the standards expected to keep us all safe.  

But we are so much more than that.   

We also assess and provide certification for:

So, when you find a contractor using an NICEIC scheme brandmark (or see it on their T-shirt!), it’s your sign that they meet the highest technical and safety standards. 

*figure correct as of 31 December 2023

For tradespeople

We’re proud to support our tradespeople, helping them be the best they can be.

Our services for trades people include NICEIC online certification, industry-leading training courses and continued professional development via

A team of two installing solar energy panels on a roof, whilst the site manager is happily communicating on a phone.

An electrician working on the third fix or a plug socket, connecting the wiring into a machine to test the quality of the connection.

For industry

Our experienced team helps industry specifiers – facilities managers, housing associations, public bodies and NHS Trusts – find the right supplier for the job, and save time and money on their projects.  

We also provide industry-leading training and consulting services for the building and construction sectors.

The importance of certification and third-party assessment

Our role is to check compliance and conformity against strict standards and regulations.
We do this via testing, verification and assessment of work.
We also verify that the correct equipment is used and correctly calibrated to make sure that work is measured and recorded accurately.

Close up of the NICEIC Inspection, Testing and Certification guide book, placed on top of a contractor work bag.

An NICEIC officer reviewing and advising on the work of contractor's third fix light switch at a customers household.

Why is this important?

We want to make sure that systems are in place to ensure that businesses registered with us and their employees are competent to undertake work that they are contracted to complete. 

Businesses on our registers have chosen to undertake an assessment looking at their policies, procedures and the technical competency of their work.
Once satisfied, we certify the business to confirm that they meet they meet the relevant standards for the work they undertake.
We are proud of our role in supporting contractors to be the best they can be.